What does the prescription say?
Understanding the prescription of our glasses:
We need glasses or contact lenses when our vision is blurred due to improper image focus on the retinas of our eyes. This happens for different reasons that have to do with the anatomy of the eyes and their causes are hereditary, environmental, age and unknown.
The most common refractive abnormality in the Western world affects vision at all distances, especially distant ones. It usually develops during childhood and adolescence and is influenced by any heredity and environmental factors. The exact mechanism behind its development is being investigated, but nearby work and increased stay indoors have been implicated. Its intensity is measured with negative diopters
Its visual symptoms are not as obvious as in myopia, because the adjustment mechanism of the eyes compensates for them to some extent. Hypermoderates have difficulty at all distances and especially at short distances, while they may suffer from headache, eye pain, dizziness and binocular vision disorders. The causes are genetic and anatomical, and may exist from birth. It is measured with positive diopters.
Presbyopia has a purely age-related background and is due to the inability of the crystalline lens and adjustment mechanism to focus effectively at short distances. The first symptoms begin at the age of 40 -45 years and the exact correction is determined by age as well as the distant recipe. The presbyops move objects away from him to distinguish them better and needs glasses with a more positive prescription than his distant ones.
Astigmatism has a genetic background and is usually due to an asphericity of the surface of the cornea where one meridian has a greater curvature than the other. Typically, an eye astigmatism may (depending on the direction of curvature) not distinguish the vertical line of an E and interpret it as C. Other symptoms are fatigue, headache and dizziness.